When Fran and I were filming, we came across a few problems. It was very windy, so continuity was an issue - we had to film each shot a number of times because the leaves and rubbish kept blowing out of place! Also, camera shake proved to be an issue as we were filming too close to the ground to use a tripod. These problems were all solved, however, by the power of editing!
I used Adobe After Effects for the majority of my editing; although it was my first proper time using the software, it proved to be brilliant for editing film. For each clip I had to use Warp Stabilizer to stop camera shake - to make it even more smooth, I used Time Stretch to slow down the video, and therefore motion. Also, so I could make the film connect to our colour scheme, I desaturated the colours of each clip by -40%. Although the colours were more appropriate, it had a washed out feel, so for every clip I turned up the contrast by 15%. I told Adam and Fran these figures so that our sections would largely look the same and we wouldn't have any random splashes of colour!
For animating my section, I used Adobe Photoshop to draw each frame, then loaded the layers into After Effects to create the motion. This took lots of patience! Key-framing proved to be extremely useful - I utitilised it for both scale and position.
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