1 Ideas, Concepts & Planning
For this term's project we're focusing on visual effects in order to make a short 20-30 second polished piece. I wanted to avoid explosions, simulations and excessive green screen, so instead I wanted to try compositing a 3D model into a 2D film background. I decided to work with Will Arterton as a pair, and we knocked around a few ideas and concepts. For example, a space ship floating over London, similar to the film, 'District 9'. We eventually decided to do a piece set in a sunlit forest, looking around the trunks and leaves, to find some robotic animals. I'd like it to be quite atmospheric and to include birdsong, so that it's surprising to see these clock-work animals inhabiting it. I don't want the animals to be too shiny/chrome however, as they should almost fit in with the environment. I want to aim to locate a forest similar to these images:
And have it interspersed with examples such as these (taken from Bioshock Infinite and World of Warcraft, respectively):
Especially love the cogs in the above images and want to incorporate them in our models. I also fancied the idea of using a scrapmetal style, so I looked at some sculptures for inspiration:
Here are some of my own drawings for ideas and concepts:
A rough storyboard I drew up:
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